Thursday, January 3, 2013

5 Things to Bring on a Winter Vacation

Winter vacations don't end when the Christmas season is over, and if you live in Florida it can be kind of difficult to know what to pack for such a different climate. Here are my suggestions/things I would pack if I were lucky enough to be going on one... ;)  

1. The perfect suitcase: This is an essential for any vacation, but I thought I'd share a few of my favorites since I have the opportunity. Make sure you have 2 different sizes in suitcases and have a carry on bag as well. If you tend to over pack, use the bigger suitcase even if it's for 3 days. You'll be much more annoyed that you have to dig through your tiny, squished suitcase than you'll be at the size of it. 

2. Rain boots: I've only recently come to terms with rain boots. As a Floridian, I see them far too often and with far too many pairs of shorts... don't do that. It looks ridiculous. Instead, pair them with pants or leggings and warm socks when you're headed out in the snow. Hunter is my favorite brand right for them now. 

3. Fur vest: Faux or otherwise, fur vests are a great option. They're warm and instantly chic. They look great with plenty of layers, so just add it on top. They only thing I find annoying is that it's often hard to layer anything on top of it, so if you're in freezing-need-a-coat-always-weather, they may not work. 

4. Lotion: I don't know about you, but my biggest pet peeve about cold weather is that my skin feels insanely dry. I always keep lotion in my bag/coat, so that I don't ever have to feel that way. Find a lotion that makes your skin feel clean and refreshed instead of feeling sticky or greasy. Personally, I like  Johnson's lotion, but sometimes that's hard to find, so I have to find other options. 

5. Infinity scarf:  Scarves are one of my favorite accessories, so I had to include them. Infinity scarves are perfect for snowy weather, because with gloves and a puffy coat it can become difficult to keep readjusting a normal scarf. Also, I have a strange fear that a scarf  like  that will somehow choke me when I'm skiing... These prevent all these problems as not getting lost with all the layers.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

1 Christmas Eve Outfit

Again, I suck and are a little late, but... nonetheless, I had made this, so I will share it. 

Here's a perfectly festive Christmas Eve outfit from the make up to the accessories!

2 Christmas Morning PJ's

Christmas day calls for cozy PJ's, so you can be lazy all day and eat as much as you like without feeling restrained. It's called the "holidaze" for a reason, people. Enjoy it! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

3 Stocking Ideas

I've been on the prowl for stocking stuffers lately, because they're great for coworkers and acquaintances. Urban Outfitters has a full selection of them that I think everyone would enjoy. It contains many gag gifts as well as practical ideas that I feel people of all ages would love. Definitely check out their list if you need more suggestions. 

1.  MAC eyeshadow: Mac: $40
2. Beer bottle opener ring: Urban Outfitters: $8
3. "Carry On" nail polish: Essie: $8

4 Things to Wish For

Here are 4 more things to add on your wish list if someone asks you on Christmas Eve, because they're feeling desperate. All 4 items are now on my wish list, so if you're related to me and feeling the aforementioned desperation... here ya go. 

1. Polka dot tights: Madewell: $25
2. Mint blossom phone case: $35
3. Leopard backpack: Steve Madden: $58
4. Lace and leather booties: Steve Madden: $130

5 Holiday Parties Dresses

I feel like everything this season requires a dress, and I'm not complaining. Dressing up is one of my favorite things to do, so I love it. The only problem is I always have difficulty finding winter dresses, but I researched (technically stalked Polyvore) and found 5 great styles for this season. 

1. Black & studded

2. Pleated and belt 

3. The LRD (little red dress)

4. Asymmetrical
5. Gold

6 Great Holiday Gift Guides

Despite years and years of practice, Christmas shopping can still be a difficult challenge. As fun as it is to buy others gifts, it can be difficult to find something new to give the same person every year.  I added gift guides at the beginning of this "12 days of Christmas" thing, but I've decided to give you 6 more guides that may help with that last minute shopping. 

Click the photo to get to the gift guide itself, and happy shopping! 

1. "Real Simple's" 33 Creative, Inexpensive Stocking Stuffers:  Are there any better words to hear than "creative" and "inexpensive" when it comes to Christmas shopping? I think not. This gift guide is packed with things you have never heard of before, but know everyone would enjoy such as a mustache pacifier and soap stones.

2. The "New York Magazine's" DIY Gift Spectacular: This list has gifts you can make for your loved ones ranging from the mouth-watering chocolate shown below to screen-printed tees. 

3. "A Flattering Tale's" Zodiac gift guides:  For every sign, this blogger has come up with gifts that she believes would be suitable. Even if you don't stick with the actual sign of the gift receiver there are still endless options on all the guides. 

4. Gizmodo's gift guide for brown-nosing: Buying something for your boss can be a difficult task. They have come up with plenty of ideas that are sure to make your boss love you. 

5. "Gal Meets Glam's" gift guide for him:  Everything on her gift guide looks like a perfect gift for any man. My favorites are the flannel shirt and the black watch. Definitely take a look if you're still thinking up the perfect gift for your boyfriend.

6. "Lucky's" reader picked gift guide: You'll love to see what your fellow fashion magazine lovers picked out. These gifts are a bit more pricey, but may be good for someone you want to splurge on or even for adding more gifts to your own wish list.