Monday, December 10, 2012

5 Things to NEVER Wear

DISCLAIMER: I am about to bash 5 different products that I have the absolute strongest hatred for. It's going to be mean, and it's going to be uncalled for. Scratch that. It's completely called for. 

If you think you can handle please continue reading ;) 

1. Crocs: There is absolutely no reason to wear these horrendous shoes. Ever. I did a persuasive speech on why you should never wear Crocs freshman year, and I don't remember any of the points except that they're hideous... which I feel like should be enough of a reason.
2. Uggs: Like all other items on this list, they're just plain ugly. Even the name is unattractive. I say "ugh" every time I see someone wearing them, because I'm disgusted. Also, Uggs with number 5 on this list literally makes me nauseous, but happens far too often. My last little venting sentence for this number: if you live in Florida and wear these on the first day it gets cold, I will judge you.

3. Snuggies: America is just so darn lazy. A blanket with sleeves cannot be made cute. At first it was just some humorous piece that was sold on TV, but now it has become a phenomenon that I just can't support. If you have something funny on the Snuggie (like a TMNT outfit), I will hate you less, but try to avoid them at all costs. 

4. Juicy tracksuits: It's not the 90's anymore, folks. If you're interested in being nostalgic please listen to the Spice Girls or watch "Crossroads," but never put on a juicy track suit. They're horrible separate, but together is 20 times as bad. 

5. Jean Miniskirts: As I already mentioned, some things from the 90's should just stay there. There are so many options out there for skirts nowadays that I can't even imagine what would make you resort to a jean skirt. I have yet to see an outfit with one that looks chic. 

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